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in person SUNDAY MORNINGS at 10:00am

or join the live stream ON YOUTUBE!


The next meeting will be held on Sunday, february 9th!


Here is another opportunity for you to get and stay connected with your church family.

We occasionally send out text messages to let you know if a service is canceled due to inclement weather or for upcoming events.

Click the link below to opt-in!


WHEN: Wednesdays

TIME: 10am - 11am

This free opportunity is for kids and their grown ups to spend some time together playing, doing crafts and socializing with each other (and enjoying some coffee, tea and snacks).

All are welcome to attend. The group will meet in the front lobby (and outside, weather-permitting) of the church.

Email Yulia, our Director of Outreach, with any questions!


WHEN: Tuesdays


Book Buddies is a free opportunity for young children and their grown ups to read stories together and enjoy some time to play. We will offer Book Buddies every Tuesday morning from 10:00am - 11:00am in the preschool classroom at Marsh Creek Community Church. Everyone is welcome!

Enter the building using the downstairs entrance, near The Treehouse sign. Questions? Reach out to our Director of Kids Ministry, Alison Lake.


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The Small Groups Ministry at Marsh Creek Community Church consists of:

Connect Groups and Bible Studies - these are short term, seasonal, topical (e.g. marriage, parenting, finances, missions, etc.) groups.

Life Groups - an ongoing group that meets regularly (weekly, bi-weekly) for community and spiritual growth. These will typically meet together for at least a year.

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Are you looking for a way to connect? Would you like to get involved in a Bible Study? If so, consider attending the Saturday Morning Men’s Breakfast.

The event takes place every Saturday from 7:30-9:00 am in the MCCC Lobby.

Light breakfast served (suggested donation $2 or $3)

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Middle School and High School kids are invited to join us most Wednesdays for Youth Group. They meet together at MCCC, Grace Covenant and Mission Community Church from 7:00-8:30pm. Contact Todd for more info and calendar details.