Marsh Creek Community Church’s Treehouse Kids Ministry exists to promote the Gospel in every child’s heart. We desire for our children to know Christ as their Savior; increase their knowledge of him; deliver the message of the Gospel to our church, community, and world; and to show love and serve each other for Christ
The Gospel Project® for Kids immerses kids and preschoolers in the gospel through every story, theological concept, and call to mission from Genesis to Revelation. Ultimately, the gospel message changes everything; heart transformation can only take place when a child experiences the gospel. Through The Gospel Project® for Kids, kids and preschoolers will understand the Bible is not just a collection of stories, but one unified story—God’s story of redemption.
Families will arrive and enter the building through our main entrance upstairs, where they will check in. We will begin our Sunday morning service together and families with children (ages 2-4) and in grades K-5, will be dismissed to the lobby after some time in musical worship.
Our Kids Ministry team will escort them downstairs to their classroom. Families may pick up their children from the classrooms at the conclusion of the service.
We will not serve snacks during our Sunday School time. We will provide individual packs of cheddar goldfish crackers for children to take with them as they leave.